

While every person’s anatomy and genetics are unique, there are certain areas of the body where losing excess fat is notoriously difficult no matter how much effort you put in with diet and exercise. To help patients finally win the battle of the bulge in their most stubborn areas, Dr. Sarah Donahue and the aesthetic team at Instinct Holistic Medical Spa in Bozeman, MT offer multiple nonsurgical fat reduction and body contouring options. In this blog, you’ll learn more about three of the most common areas for stubborn fat accumulation and how nonsurgical body sculpting can help you get the slimmer, smoother, more toned physique you deserve.

Why am I exercising but not losing weight?

This is an exceedingly common problem and is often associated with factors like:

  • Genetics
  • Hormones
  • Stress
  • Menopause or andropause
  • Underlying medical condition and/or medication

If you are eating right and exercising regularly but still have areas of stubborn, excess fat, you may be a candidate for nonsurgical fat reduction.

Where can nonsurgical body contouring be used?

At Instinct Holistic Medical Spa, we offer nonsurgical fat reduction using Accent Prime laser technology, which helps to remove stubborn fat cells and encourage collagen production for firmer, smoother skin. Another nonsurgical body contouring treatment offered at our office is the EMSCULPT®NEO, which combines high-intensity focused electromagnetic muscle stimulation and radiofrequency (RF) energy to destroy fat cells and enhance muscle tone and definition.

Three areas of the body that are known for accumulating and holding on to stubborn fat cells which make them excellent treatment locations for nonsurgical body contouring with Accent Prime or EMSCULPT NEO are:

  • Lower body: This includes the lower back, hips, flanks, thighs, and buttocks
  • Mid-section: Including the abdomen (stomach), male chest, and back
  • Neck: Even the neck and the area under the chin can be slimmed and smoothed

Is nonsurgical body contouring permanently?

Fat cells that are targeted and destroyed with nonsurgical body sculpting solutions will not grow back, but new cells can be generated, and existing fat cells can become enlarged if the patient gains weight after treatment. In addition, the muscle-toning effects of treatments like EMSCULPT NEO are not considered permanent on their own. To ensure your nonsurgical fat reduction and muscle toning results last for as long as possible, it is critical that you maintain a stable, healthy weight and exercise regularly. If you do experience unwanted changes to your figure at some point in the future, a repeat round of treatment may help to restore the slimmer contours you prefer.

Is there any recovery time required after EMSCULPT NEO?

One of the most exciting aspects of nonsurgical fat reduction and body contouring treatments is that patients are typically able to return to their normal activities almost immediately, with no downtime required. For muscle-toning treatments like EMSCULPT NEO, patients may feel sore and prefer to pause their workout regimen for about 24 hours. With little-to-no recovery period required, nonsurgical fat reduction and body contouring can help you achieve a stunning new look more conveniently than ever before.

Slim down, tone up, and love your body the easy way with nonsurgical body contouring in Bozeman, MT.

If you are frustrated by stubborn fat, loose skin, or soft muscles that aren’t responding to diet and exercise, you may need a little boost. For more information on reinventing your physique with nonsurgical fat reduction and muscle-toning treatments like EMSCULPT NEO, call Instinct Holistic Medical Spa in Bozeman, MT to schedule your private consultation with Dr. Sarah Donahue today.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.

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