Natural Growth Factor Injection IN BOZEMAN, MT

What Is Natural Growth Factor Injection ?

Our Bozeman, MT office is proud to perform a version of Natural Growth Factor Injection at Instinct Holistic Medical Spa to help refresh your facial appearance.  Natural Growth Factor Injection  is one of the most sought-after cosmetic treatments in the aesthetic industry due to its natural origin and promising results. Similarly, Natural Growth Factor Injections therapy is also a popular method because of the high concentration of platelets present in the fibrin, which produces stunning outcomes. The procedure uses your own plasma or fibrin to stimulate your skin, minimizing the appearance of fine lines. These therapies are sometimes combined with microneedling for even more impressive results. If you are interested in Natural Growth Factor Injection , call Instinct Holistic Medical Spa to schedule a consultation. Our talented team will be happy to discuss all the benefits of Natural Growth Factor Injection and how each can help to improve your skin.

What Can I Expect During Natural Growth Factor Injection ?

Men and women who would like to improve their skin tone and texture are usually the best candidates for Natural Growth Factor Injection . Since it naturally promotes collagen production, it’s also a great treatment choice for rejuvenating dull-colored skin. Talk to one of our experienced professionals about any skin conditions, blood disorders, or anemia to decide if it’s safe for you to receive Natural Growth Factor Injection .

After you’re comfortably seated in one of our private treatment areas, a small amount of blood will be taken from one of your arms and put into a centrifuge machine. Typically, we take around four tablespoons or one vial of blood. After approximately 15 minutes on the centrifuge machine, the components of the blood separate and are then ready for injection. We will load your condensed plasma into a sterile syringe and inject it into the predetermined locations. The procedure usually only takes approximately five minutes, but this will vary for each patient. Natural Growth Factor Injection naturally promotes collagen production and elastin to reveal tighter and younger-looking skin. Since the treatment uses your own blood, there is no risk of allergic or adverse reactions. You can expect your face to be a bit red after the procedure as a few red blood cells can make it into the plasma injection. A cold pack can be applied to the treatment site to ease any discomfort and swelling. We recommend you receive treatments in 4 – 6 week intervals to maintain results.

Glowing Skin

Thanks to  Natural Growth Factor Injection , your complexion will look healthier and brighter than ever before and will produce a beautiful, glowing appearance. This treatment is ideal for men and women who prefer a natural method of skin rejuvenating that provides stunning results. If you are interested in this popular procedure, contact our Bozeman, MT office to schedule a consultation with one of our aesthetic experts.

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