Pretty young girl with curly hair put her hands on her cheeks | Instinct Holistic Medical Spa in Bozeman, MT

Age, sun damage, hormones, and other factors can contribute to hyperpigmentation, leaving many people frustrated and self-conscious about their appearance. Unfortunately, some skin rejuvenation treatments can actually exacerbate dark spots, making the problem worse. At Instinct Holistic Medical Spa in Bozeman, MT, board-certified physician and medical director Dr. Sarah Donahue is committed to helping patients restore a clearer, more even, more radiant complexion with non-damaging ClearLift™ laser skin rejuvenation technology. Keep reading to learn more about how a ClearLift treatment can transform your skin from the inside out.

What causes dark blotches on the skin?

Dark spots, melasma, and other forms of hyperpigmentation can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Sun exposure
  • Sun damage
  • Tanning bed use
  • Hormone changes
  • Pregnancy
  • Certain medications
  • Age

In some cases, like when melasma is triggered by pregnancy, dark spots may fade once the hormones have returned to their normal levels. Oftentimes, however, hyperpigmentation is long-lasting and can become worse over time.

How can I fade melasma spots?

Patients searching for a convenient and effective treatment for hyperpigmentation that does not damage the skin or require an extended recovery period may be excited to learn about ClearLift skin rejuvenation. This noninvasive treatment stimulates collagen growth, encourages cell turnover, and destroys pigmented cells associated with hyperpigmentation without damaging the outer layer of the skin, meaning there is virtually no discomfort or downtime required. Additionally, the non-damaging properties of ClearLift make it only one of the few treatments that are gentle enough to use on even the most delicate areas, including the skin around the eyes and on the back of the hands.

How can ClearLift improve my complexion?

Not only can ClearLift skin rejuvenation address areas of hyperpigmentation but it can also be used as an alternative to facelift surgery for patients hoping to reverse the unwanted side effects of aging. Some of the most compelling enhancements that are possible with ClearLift laser skin rejuvenation include:

  • Tighten loose skin
  • Smooth out lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce nasolabial folds
  • Shrink enlarged pores
  • Firm up lower eyelids
  • Improve the appearance of acne scars
  • Restore more youthful-looking hands
  • Brighten up dull skin

How many ClearLift treatment sessions will I need?

On average, patients can expect to undergo a series of six ClearLift treatments — with one completed every three to four weeks — to achieve their desired outcome, which may last for up to two years or longer. Many patients choose to schedule annual maintenance treatments to keep their complexion consistently looking its best.

Is ClearLift safe for dark skin?

Unlike many other skin rejuvenation treatments, ClearLift is considered safe, appropriate, and effective for patients of virtually all skin types and skin tones. During your initial consultation for skin rejuvenation in Bozeman, MT, our knowledgeable team of aesthetic experts will thoroughly evaluate your skin, discuss your concerns and goals, and determine whether ClearLift, or perhaps another treatment option, is right for you.

Get brighter, clearer skin with ClearLift laser skin rejuvenation in Bozeman, MT
If dark spots, skin laxity, or other signs of aging are keeping you from feeling confident about your complexion, we can help. For more information on the unique benefits of ClearLift laser skin rejuvenation, call Instinct Holistic Medical Spa in Bozeman, MT to schedule your consultation with Dr. Sarah Donahue or a member of our team today.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.

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